SAVOIA Power Home                                                           Nuclear Reactor CAREM

  Small nuclear power plant (SMR) made in Argentina with proprietary technology
                                                                       Modular arrangement

Lastest news!: See here the 10 years anniversary of the OPAL research reactor sold to Australia.

            nuclear CAREMCNEA and its associated company INVAP, have developped, and are building today, the CAREM project: a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) power nuclear plant (100 MWth, 25 MWe net), conceived with a new generation, innovative design.

-The CAREM NPP has a pressurized water reactor with several steam generators, whose characteristics make it different:

* integrated and self pressurized primary system cooling by natural circulation  

* passive safety systemsNucleo
            del reactor CAREM 

* no plant requirments of Diesel emergency electric generators  

* plant control performed by a distributed software system

 - many events that would lead to accidental conditions are rendered impossible by the innovative design
- the reliability of the CAREM engineered safety systems is higher  than normal, because they are passive and simple

CAREM - The fist SMR nuclear

Other products from INVAP S.E., made in Argentina, with maximum quality:

INVAP makes satellites- Nuclear reasearch reactors (Australia, Egypt, Cuba, Peru, Iran, Argelia, The Netherlands)

- Scientific satellites SAC-B type (2 working today), ARSAT-1/2/3 communication geostationary satellites

- Radiotherapy apparatus and control: TERADI 800

- Industrial robotics

- Nuclear fuel elements manufacturing and burned fuel treatment

- Zircalloy pipes

- Special industrial and commercial software

- 2D & 3D radars for airports, miltary uses and frontier control
