*** ABOUT CHP Combined heat and
power (CHP) also known as cogeneration,
is an efficient,
clean, and reliable approach to generate power
and thermal energy from a single
fuel source>>BIOMASS.
By installing a biomass CHP system designed to
meet the thermal and electrical
base loads of a facility, it can greatly
increase the facility's operational efficiency
and decrease energy costs. At the same time, a
CHP plant reduces the emmission
of greenhouse gases, which contributes to
the global climate change.
biomass gasification power plant
is a power system that utilizes the biomass as
its energy source by producing syngas. We
have included the above section about CHP main
features to give a better understanding of the
increasing interest around this alternative
energy option.
NEW!Skid Type
100 kw to 1000kw biomass gasification power